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Our Energy

To ensure we have a reliable power supply for our customers, NB Power has grown our generation mix from a small, 5 megawatt (MW) hydroelectric generating station in Musquash to one of the most diverse systems in North America. Our diverse supply mix includes NB Power’s 12 hydro, coal, oil and diesel-powered generating stations, our Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station and Shediac solar farm, as well as power purchased from various privately owned renewable and natural gas‐powered facilities.

Current generation mix

This interactive graph shows the breakdown of our in-province generation and power purchase agreements used to help power New Brunswick in 2019/2020.

Planning for the future

NB Power provides customers with a balanced mix of renewable and traditional energy. It’s a balance of cost, dependability and environmental impact. Working together, we are committed to delivering reliable, affordable, safe and clean energy to our customers.