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Rate Design

The topic of rate design is an on-going dialogue with NB Power, the New Brunswick Energy and Utilities Board (NBEUB) and various interested parties. In its August 4, 2020 decision the NBEUB directed NB Power to make an application on several specific topics to address on-going rate design issues. These include,

  • an action plan for the timely elimination of General Service II rate class
  • a proposal to have certain farms, places of worship, charitable organizations, and premises with lodging that use large amounts of electricity on the same rates as businesses and have the smaller customers within these customer groups on residential rates
  • a proposal to classify those customers that do not qualify for residential or wholesale rates based on the scale of their electric power usage
  • a proposal on regulating streetlights and unmetered services
  • a proposal on regulating water heater rentals

NB Power filed its Rate Design Application on June 28, 2022. It is referenced as Matter 529 and can be viewed on the NBEUB’s website by searching Matter 529 and clicking on the Matter name to view the details. The NBEUB has set June 7 to 20, 2023 for a hearing in this matter and it is expected that the NBEUB will issue a decision in the months following the hearing.

The Rate Design Application covers a number of proposals for consideration by the NBEUB and will not result in any changes in electricity rates in the short term. Modernizing rate design is a gradual and managed process and is expected to occur over several years. Rate classification changes are about equity within and between customer classes. If the plan is accepted by the NBEUB, some customers will eventually be classified differently and billed using different rate designs than are used today. Some customers would have higher bills, others would have lower bills. The rate design plan includes measures to make the changes gradual to reduce the impact on affected customers.

As with most matters heard by the NBEUB, NB Power’s Rate Design Application will be carried out through public proceedings. Customers, members of the general public and representatives of groups are encouraged to participate in the process. Participation helps to ensure that the NBEUB is informed of the issues that are important to customers and that decisions are made in the public interest.  Participation can be through participation as a formal intervener in the proceeding, a written submission, or an oral presentation at a public forum – all subject to deadlines determined by the NBEUB.

NB Power welcomes comments and questions from customers. Please contact us via email at or by calling 1 800 663 6272.

Virtual Information Session


Virtual Information Session - Q & A Document - Matter 529 - 2022 Rate Design


New Brunswick Energy & Utilities Board - Rules of Procedure (

Participation in Proceedings (

The Hearing Process (

Getting involved - Infographic