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Safe and Prepared

The Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station (PLNGS) utilizes a CANDU reactor, which is known for being exceptionally safe technology.

The unit is operated by Point Lepreau staff who are knowledgeable, highly-skilled and trained to operate the plant to the highest standards of safety on a daily basis. They are also trained to address unexpected events in order to maintain safe operation.

In addition to worker qualifications and training, there are multiple safety systems to keep workers, the public and the environment safe. The safety systems operate independently from the rest of the plant, and each key safety component is backed up by redundant equipment, which increases the overall safety of the system.

There is a very low probability of a need for any emergency response. However, Point Lepreau prepares on an ongoing basis, through regular training, drilling and planning for many scenarios, including the most unlikely of events.

One foundation for this preparedness is a detailed, technical plan for radiological emergencies. The technical basis for the plan was developed from in-depth study and analysis of many factors related to plant operation, modeling for various radiological event scenarios, protective and response actions, as well as the surrounding environment and geography.

This technical basis defines the size of the emergency planning zones. To do so, it uses a hypothetical accident scenario that is extreme and highly unlikely. The Station plans and trains for these types of events to provide a high degree of assurance that it is prepared to respond to any emergency.

This work is captured in the Technical Planning Basis – Radiation Emergency. It serves as a planning tool to support the development of sound and effective emergency response plans and associated capabilities.

The current planning basis document was developed in 2003 by International Safety Research (ISR), and this company is currently updating the basis for PLNGS to consider changes to codes and standards. PLNGS is updating the basis document in collaboration with the New Brunswick Emergency Measures Organization (NBEMO) and plans to issue the new version in 2018.

The Point Lepreau Nuclear Off-Site Plan is a Government of New Brunswick (GNB) document, held by the New Brunswick Emergency Measures Organization (NBEMO). This plan details procedures to be followed for an emergency at PLNGS which would pose danger to the general public, and thus would require a coordinated multi-agency response. This plan would require response activities from a number of GNB departments, as well as external supporting agencies.

For more information, please contact Kathleen Duguay, Manager Community Affairs and Nuclear Regulatory Protocol, at 506-659-6433 or