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Rental and Pricing Information

What is the monthly rental service price?

The monthly rental service fee is $25.99 as of Apr 1, 2024.

  SureConnect 3rd Party Products
& 40' CORD
FREE $1,500-1,750
SureConnect vs 3rd Party Products
FREE vs $1,500-1,750
FREE vs $250-500

* Please note that these prices are subject to change and do not include Harmonized Sales Tax.

Are there any costs other than the monthly rental service price?

No - there are no upfront costs to the customer. The rental service includes:

  • maintenance
  • on-going customer support
  • equipment replacement in accordance with the rental agreement

Should there be any upgrades, repairs or replacement of existing customer equipment necessary for NB Power to install the GenerLinkTM device and set-up service, such as a meter base or mast, these would be the responsibility of the customer and are not included in the SureConnect Service package.

Is there a minimum rental term?

Yes, there is a minimum rental term of 12 consecutive months.

What happens if I want SureConnect removed from my home?

You must contact NB Power to remove, replace or repair the SureConnect Service including the  GenerLinkTM device. The GenerLinkTM device and GenerLokTM cord set remain the property of NB Power.

What about my meter?

SureConnect Service including the GenerLinkTM installation will extend out the utility meter by another 15 centimetres. Meters located under a metal roof eave may require protection from falling snow and ice before the GenerLinkTM can be installed. Precautions are also needed to protect the meter if it is in a driveway, alley, or walkway, to prevent damage and hazards from vehicles, snow removal and pedestrians.

Who is eligible for SureConnect Service?

  • SureConnect service is available in areas of New Brunswick serviced by NB Power.
  • Your home must have a code-compliant entrance of 200-Amp or less.
  • Your home must have a code-compliant circuit breaker electrical panel (it cannot have a fuse panel).
  • Your electrical meter base and entrance, along with your home’s electrical panel must be considered accessible by current electrical code.
  • Your NB Power account must be in good standing.