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Synergy Challenge 2021

Synergy Challenge 2021 (logo)


NB Power’s Power Reactor Operating Licence granted by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission for the Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station (PLNGS) requires a full-scale emergency exercise to be held every three years.
NB Power’s partner for emergency response to an emergency with off-site implications is the New Brunswick Emergency Measures Organization (NB EMO). PLNGS also maintains a robust and multi-faceted emergency response program. This includes our Emergency and Protective Services department, which features a security service, a fully equipped fire department, an ambulance and an around-the-clock emergency response organization.
Together, NB Power and NB EMO held a multi-tier and jurisdiction emergency exercise on October 6 and 7, 2021 called Synergy Challenge 2021.
This exercise tested the preparedness of PLNGS, NB Power, government and non-government organizations and agencies to respond to a simulated nuclear emergency initiated by a cyber event by: 
  • testing of interoperability of participating organizations and coordination of response efforts
  • assessing PLNGS on-site and off-site Nuclear Emergency Plans
Synergy Challenge 2021 demonstrated the overall preparedness for a highly unlikely nuclear emergency. Ensuring NB Power and the Government of New Brunswick, through NB EMO and other departments, are aligned and well-rehearsed in emergency response activities.



For more information contact Kathleen Duguay, Manager of Community Affairs and Regulatory Protocol at (506) 659-6433 or by email at