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Concerned about higher-than-expected bills? Information is available here

N. Rate Schedules and Rate Application Guidelines


Table of Contents

N-1 Residential Service Rate Schedules

N-2 General Service Rate Schedules

N-3 Small Industrial Rate Schedule

N-4 Large Industrial Rate Schedule

N-5 Wholesale Rate Schedule

N-6 Unmetered Rate Schedules

N-7 Electric Vehicle Charging Rate Schedule

N-8 Miscellaneous Rate Schedules

N-9 Short Term Unmetered Rate Schedule

N-10 Rental Facility Rate Schedules

N-11 Street Lighting Rate Schedule

N-12 Customer Facility Rate Schedule

N-13 Customer Self-Supply Resource Balancing Schedule

N-14 Authorization


N-1 Residential Service Rate Schedules

Residential Service
Rate Schedule

Residential Urban

That category of residential Customers located within the boundaries of all incorporated cities, towns and villages, as those boundaries existed on December 31, 2022, with population over 2000 served by NB Power.


$26.95 per Billing Period


13.46¢ Base Rate
+ 0.38¢ Variance Account Charge
13.84¢ Total Charge

for all kWh per Billing Period

Residential Rural

That category of residential Customers located in all other areas not included under Residential Urban category served by NB Power.


$29.57 per Billing Period


13.46¢ Base Rate
+ 0.38¢ Variance Account Charge
13.84¢ Total Charge 

for all kWh per Billing Period

Residential Seasonal

That category of residential Customers who require service to a Dwelling other than a Principal Residence (e.g., summer cottages).


$29.57 per Billing Period


13.46¢ Base Rate
+ 0.38¢ Variance Account Charge
13.84¢ Total Charge

for all kWh per Billing Period

Residential Service Rate Schedule
Residential Urban
That category of residential Customers located within the boundaries of all incorporated cities, towns and villages, as those boundaries existed on December 31, 2022, with population over 2000 served by NB Power.
Service Charge $26.95 per Billing Period
Energy Charge 13.46¢ Base Rate
+ 0.38¢ Variance Account Charge
13.84¢ Total Charge
for all kWh per Billing Period
Residential Rural
That category of residential Customers located in all other areas not included under Residential Urban category served by NB Power.
Service Charge $29.57 per Billing Period
Energy Charge 13.46¢ Base Rate
+ 0.38¢ Variance Account Charge
13.84¢ Total Charge
for all kWh per Billing Period
Residential Seasonal
That category of residential Customers who require service to a Dwelling other than a Principal Residence (e.g., summer cottages).
Service Charge $29.57 per Billing Period
Energy Charge 13.46¢ Base Rate
+ 0.38¢ Variance Account Charge
13.84¢ Total Charge
for all kWh per Billing Period


Residential Service Rate Application Guidelines

Urban and Rural

Customers who use electricity for living purposes in any of the following:

  • Dwellings
  • Dwelling out buildings
  • Individually metered, self-contained Dwelling units within an Apartment Building

In addition, the Residential rate applies to:

Services to Farms and Churches.

A religious and charitable institution, excluding a church, that was served on a residential rate prior to 29 August 1979. If this Premises requires new service, reconnection or upgrade for any reason, including a change of ownership, an applicable rate will be applied as determined by the rate application guidelines.

Service for the construction phase of a Dwelling.

A Premises providing lodging with nine (9) beds or less, including boarding and rooming houses, Special Care Establishments, senior citizen homes, nursing homes, hostels and transition homes.

A Premises providing lodging with more than nine (9) beds that was served on a Residential rate prior to 1 January 1984. If this Premises requests new service, reconnection or upgrade for any reason including a change in ownership an applicable rate will be applied as determined by the rate application guidelines.

The combined usage of a Dwelling and a business operation measured by one meter, where the connected load of the business operation, excluding space heating and air conditioning, is two (2) kilowatts or less.


Customers who use electricity for living purposes in a Dwelling other than the Customer's Principal Residence; e.g., summer cottage.


N-2 General Service Rate Schedules

General Service
Rate Schedule

General Service I

That category of Customers in all areas served by NB Power who use electricity for purposes other than those specifically covered under residential, small and large industrial, street lighting or unmetered categories.




The greater of the maximum kW demand or 90% of the maximum kVA demand in the Billing Period


$27.56 per Billing Period


No charge for first 20 kW or less per Billing Period

$12.68 per kW for balance kW per Billing Period


15.86¢ Base Rate
+ 0.37 ¢ Variance Account Charge
16.23 ¢ Total Charge for first 5000 kWh per Billing Period

11.24 ¢ Base Rate
+ 0.37 ¢ Variance Account Charge
11.61 ¢ Total Charge for balance kWh per Billing Period

General Service II (closed)

The General Service II rate is not available to new customers as of July 1, 2006. Existing General Service II customers that request reconnection or upgrade for any reason including change of ownership will have the General Service I rate applied.


The greater of the maximum kW demand or 90% of the maximum kVA demand in the Billing Period.


$27.56 per Billing Period


No charge for first 20 kW or less per Billing Period

$10.53 per kw for balance kW per Billing Period


15.86 ¢ Base Rate
+ 0.37 ¢ Variance Account Charge
16.23 ¢ Total Charge for first 5000 kWh per Billing Period

11.70¢ Base Rate
+ 0.37 ¢ Variance Account Charge
12.07¢ Total Charge for balance
kWh per Billing Period


General Service Rate Schedule
General Service I
That category of Customers in all areas served by NB Power who use electricity for purposes other than those specifically covered under residential, small and large industrial, street lighting or unmetered categories.
Billing Demand The greater of the maximum kW demand or 90% of the maximum kVA demand in the Billing Period
Service Charge $27.56 per Billing Period
Demand Charge No charge for first 20 kW or less per Billing Period
$12.68 per kW for balance kW per Billing Period
Energy Charge 15.86¢ Base Rate
+ 0.37 ¢ Variance Account Charge
16.23 ¢ Total Charge for first 5000 kWh per Billing Period

11.24 ¢ Base Rate
+ 0.37 ¢ Variance Account Charge
11.61 ¢ Total Charge for balance kWh per Billing Period
General Service II (closed)

The General Service II rate is not available to new customers as of July 1, 2006. Existing General Service II customers that request reconnection or upgrade for any reason including change of ownership will have the General Service I rate applied.

Billing Demand The greater of the maximum kW demand or 90% of the maximum kVA demand in the Billing Period.
Service Charge $27.56 per Billing Period
Demand Charge No charge for first 20 kW or less per Billing Period
$10.53 per kw for balance kW per Billing Period
Energy Charge

15.86 ¢ Base Rate
+ 0.37 ¢ Variance Account Charge
16.23 ¢ Total Charge for first 5000 kWh per Billing Period

11.33¢ Base Rate
+ 0.37 ¢ Variance Account Charge
12.07¢ Total Charge for balance
kWh per Billing Period


General Service Rate Application Guidelines

General Service I and II rate applications include the following:

  • Religious and charitable institutions, excluding Churches, that were served on a residential rate prior to 29 August 1979 and that request new service, reconnection or upgrade for any reason, including change of ownership, will have an applicable rate applied as determined by the rate application guidelines. 
  • Service for the construction phase of any Premises other than a Dwelling.
  • Dwellings providing lodging with more than nine (9) beds, including boarding and rooming houses, Special Care Establishments, senior citizen homes, nursing homes, hostels and transition homes.
  • Combined usage of a Dwelling and a business operation measured by one meter, where the connected load of the business operation, excluding space heating and air conditioning, is greater than two (2) kilowatts.
  • Bulk metered Apartment Buildings that combine the service to the Dwelling units and/or the common use areas.
  • Service to common areas in Apartment Buildings. 
  • Any business operation involving both manufacturing/processing and service/repair on which less than one half of the business volume is manufacturing/processing. 
  • Warehousing, storage and distribution centers on the same property and forming part of a manufacturing or processing operation with one meter where the warehousing, storage and distribution load is greater than one half of the total electricity consumed.
  • A retail or wholesale operation on a Farm must install a separate meter to measure that retail/wholesale load.
  • Water pumping, sewage lift stations, sewage lagoons, chlorinating plants and sewage treatment plants directly related to municipally owned water supplies or waste disposal systems are normally billed at General Service rates. At the option of the Customer, an industrial service rate may be applied.


N-3 Small Industrial Rate Schedule

Small Industrial
Rate Schedule

That category of Customers who use electricity chiefly for manufacturing or processing of goods or for the extraction of raw materials and have a minimum contracted demand of five (5) kilowatts.

The greatest of:

  • the monthly maximum kW demand;
  • 90% of the monthly maximum kVA demand;
  • 5 kW

As a result of installed metering, both the monthly maximum kW demand and 90% of the monthly maximum kVA demand noted above may not apply.

$8.40 per kW of billing demand per month

16.28¢ Base Rate
+ 0.37¢ Variance Account Charge
16.65¢ Total Charge for first 100 kWh per kW of billing demand per month

7.69¢ Base Rate
+ 0.37¢ Variance Account Charge
8.06¢ Total Charge for balance of kWh per month

Small Industrial Rate Schedule
That category of Customers who use electricity chiefly for manufacturing or processing of goods or for the extraction of raw materials and have a minimum contracted demand of five (5) kilowatts.
Billing Demand The greatest of:
  • the monthly maximum kW demand;
  • 90% of the monthly maximum kVA demand;
  • 5 kW

As a result of installed metering, both the monthly maximum kW demand and 90% of the monthly maximum kVA demand noted above may not apply.
Demand Charge $8.40 per kW of billing demand per month
Energy Charge 16.28¢ Base Rate
+ 0.37¢ Variance Account Charge
16.65¢ Total Charge for first 100 kWh per kW of billing demand per month

7.69¢ Base Rate
+ 0.37¢ Variance Account Charge
8.06¢ Total Charge for balance of kWh per month

Small Industrial Rate Application Guidelines

Industrial rates apply to the following SIC groups:

Division C major group:

04 Logging Industry

Division D major groups:

06 Mining Industries
07 Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries
08 Quarry and Sand Pit Industries
09 Service Industries Incidental to Mineral Extraction

Division E, Manufacturing Industries

In addition:

Fish hatcheries qualify for this rate.

Any business operation involving both manufacturing/ processing and service/repair on which more than one half of the business volume is manufacturing/ processing.

Warehousing, storage and distribution centers on the same property and forming part of a manufacturing or processing operation with one (1) meter where the manufacturing/processing load is greater than one half of the total electricity consumed.

A processing operation on a Farm must install a separate meter to measure that processing load.


N-4 Large Industrial Rate Schedule

Large Industrial
Rate Schedule

That category of Customers in all areas served by NB Power who use electricity chiefly for manufacturing or processing of goods or for the extraction of raw materials and have a minimum contracted demand of 750 kW.

The greatest of:

  • The monthly maximum kW demand;
  • 90% of the maximum kVA demand;
  • 90% of the firm amount reserved in the contract;
  • 90% of the maximum demand recorded during the current calendar year excluding April through November;
  • 90% of the lesser of the average demand recorded during the previous calendar year, or the previous calendar year excluding April through November

$17.48 per kW of the billing demand per month

6.48¢ Base Rate
+ 0.36¢ Variance Account Charge
6.84¢ Total Charge

Large Industrial Rate Schedule
That category of Customers in all areas served by NB Power who use electricity chiefly for manufacturing or processing of goods or for the extraction of raw materials and have a minimum contracted demand of 750 kW.
Billing Demand The greatest of:
  • The monthly maximum kW demand;
  • 90% of the maximum kVA demand;
  • 90% of the firm amount reserved in the contract;
  • 90% of the maximum demand recorded during the current calendar year excluding April through November;
  • 90% of the lesser of the average demand recorded during the previous calendar year, or the previous calendar year excluding April through November
Demand Charge $17.48 per kW of the billing demand per month
Energy Charge 6.48¢ Base Rate
+ 0.33¢ Variance Account Charge
6.84¢ Total Charge


Declining Discount Firm Rate

New facilities coming into service after April 1, 2000 or facilities that were substantially shut down as at October 1, 2000 are eligible for a declining discount on Demand Charges for the additional firm load.

The declining discount is available for five years to Customers who meet all of the following criteria:

  1. the Customer is served directly from the transmission system;
  2. the additional firm load is at least 5,000 kW; and
  3. the Customer signs a five year agreement with NB Power as the electricity supplier for the total load for the Customer's Account at the site.

The declining discounts are:

Year $/kW-month
1 $3.75
2 $3.00
3 $2.25
4 $1.50
5 $0.75
6 $0.00


The declining discounts are not available for loads that get incentive credits or if the Customer is in arrears at the time of the application for the declining discount.


Start-Up Rate

Large Industrial Customers starting new operations or expanding existing operations may request a start-up rate for a period not exceeding six (6) consecutive months.

When the new load is the result of expansion, the Customer has the option to request the start-up rate for the total firm load at that location. The request must be submitted in writing to NB Power.

To qualify, the Customer must agree to reduce the load for which the start-up rate applies within ten (10) minutes of a request from NB Power. Load reductions will normally be requested when the in-province load and firm commitments outside the Province are expected to exceed NB Power's supply capability.

NB Power estimates the applicable start-up rate and makes retroactive adjustments based on the Customer's actual cost per kWh, which is the aggregate of demand and energy charges, established during the six month period following the start-up period.

The start-up rate will be calculated so that the resulting cost to the Customer is the higher of:

  • 10.12¢ per kWh (9.79¢ Base Rate + 0.33¢ Variance Account Charge, or
  • Customer's lowest monthly aggregate cost per kWh in the six months following the start-up period.


Interruptible Energy Charge

NB Power will supply interruptible energy in excess of the demand reserved for the Customer up to the amount of the Customer's unused generation capability, if such energy is available at the Delivery Point, and can be provided with available resources over and above the requirement of other firm commitments. The rate will be based on NB Power's incremental cost of providing such energy.


Surplus Energy Charge

Surplus Energy is closed to new, long-term load requests received since January 1, 2021. NB Power reserves the right to issue up to 100 MW of additional Surplus Energy temporarily for a contract duration of up to three (3) years.

Surplus Energy is supplied only if it can be provided with available resources over and above the requirement of other firm commitments. The Customer must interrupt Surplus Energy use within ten (10) minutes of a request from NB Power.

Customers who currently purchase Surplus Energy above a defined load level can continue to do so for that load.

Customers who fail to interrupt will be billed an additional charge which is the higher of:

  • two times the monthly demand charge per kilowatt for the Large Industrial rate classification multiplied by the kilowatts that were not interrupted plus any incremental cost of supplying the energy, or 
  • the costs incurred for replacement energy to supply financially firm export obligations.


Pricing of Interruptible and Surplus Energy

The price is based on the incremental cost of providing such energy. Incremental cost is defined as the incremental generation or purchased power cost after supplying in-province firm load and other firm supply commitments.

Interruptible and Surplus Energy prices are:
On peak price = incremental cost during on peak hours + 0.9¢/kWh.
Off peak price = incremental cost during off peak hours + 0.3¢/kWh.

The on peak period is defined as 0800 to 2400 hours Atlantic Prevailing Time on all weekdays, except
statutory holidays in New Brunswick. All other hours are considered to be off peak.

NB Power will provide a week ahead forecast and day ahead firm quotes of the on and off peak prices to be
paid by the customer. 


Rental Charges

At the Customer's request, NB Power will supply, own and maintain the substation facilities from the high voltage switches to the low voltage terminals of the step-down transformers, provided such transformation satisfies NB Power standards. The charge for such Rental Facilities is 1 ⅔% per month of the installed costs. The Customer will supply the low voltage switch gear, concrete substation foundation pads and necessary protective fencing.

For customers with a primary service voltage of 12.47 kV, at the customer’s request, NB Power will supply, own and maintain the distribution facilities at a primary service voltage of 12.47 kV, up to the secondary voltage terminals on the step down transformer. The charge for such Rental Facilities is 1 ⅔% per month of the installed costs.


Losses Charge

At the discretion of NB Power, electricity may be supplied at a primary service voltage between 4 kV and 25 kV. In such cases, the monthly demand and energy consumption will be increased by 1 ½% to compensate for transformation losses.


Transformation Charge

When a Customer is provided service at voltages less than 69 kV, the Customer will also be charged an "equivalent kVA rental" charge. The equivalent kVA charge is the Customer's kVA demand multiplied by $1.81 per kVA per month.



A Customer supplied at the large industrial rate is required, and is deemed, to have entered a firm contract providing for the payment of the rate, for an initial term of five (5) years, in the case of a Customer considered by NB Power to be a new Customer, and for an initial term of one year for a Customer considered by NB Power to be an existing Customer. The contract will continue thereafter on a firm basis subject to termination by either the Customer or NB Power at the end of the initial term, or any date thereafter by either party giving at least twelve months' notice in writing.

When a Customer's operations are jeopardized because of a failure of its electricity generating equipment, the Customer can apply to firm up all or part of interruptible purchases for a period of at least six months and not more than one year.



The metering point shall be at or near the transmission line terminals (69 kV or above).


Large Industrial Rate Application Guidelines

Industrial rates apply to the following SIC groups:

Division C major group:
04 Logging Industry

Division D major groups:
06 Mining Industries
07 Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries
08 Quarry and Sand Pit Industries
09 Service Industries Incidental to Mineral Extraction

Division E, Manufacturing Industries


In addition, the Large Industrial Rate applies to:

Any business operation involving both manufacturing/ processing and service/repair, in which more than one half of the business volume is manufacturing/ processing.

Data centres with a total firm load of 750 kW or more. 95% of the facilities’ total load must be data centre functions. Data centre functions include data storage, processing and communication, and support services including heating and cooling.

Warehousing, storage and distribution centers on the same property and forming part of a manufacturing or processing operation with one (1) meter where the manufacturing or processing load is greater than one half of the total load. 

Customers whose demand is above 750 kW and less than 3000 kW may choose to be billed at the small industrial rate or the large industrial rate. To be eligible for the large industrial rate, customers must meet the conditions of the large industrial rate.

Customers with a primary service voltage of 12.47 kV whose demand is above 750 kW and less than 3000 kW who opt to change classification from the small industrial rate to the large industrial rate will be required to make a contribution toward the cost of upgrading NB Power facilities including installing primary metering.


N-5 Wholesale Rate Schedule

Saint John Energy and The Electrical Department of the City of Edmundston. $17.68 per kW per month

8.25¢ Base Rate
+0.36¢ Variance Account Charge
8.61¢ Total Charge

per kWh for all kWh in the month


N-6 Unmetered Rate Schedules

That category of Customers in all areas served by NB Power requiring unmetered service. $13.11 per month 16.56¢ Base Rate
+ 0.40¢ Variance Account Charge
16.96¢ Total Charge per kWh of estimated consumption


Unmetered Rate Application Guidelines

Services for which electricity consumption is uniform and easily estimated.

Services where metering is not considered practical by NB Power.

Specific Applications of the unmetered rate include:

  • traffic control lights
  • self-contained sign lighting
  • architectural flood lighting
  • decorative lighting
  • carrier repeaters
  • radio transmitters
  • telephone booths
  • range lights
  • airport runway lights
  • highway traffic counters
  • CATV power supply units


Estimating Consumption

Electricity consumption is estimated by multiplying the connected load in watts times the hours of usage. For example, a photoelectrically controlled 100 Watt sign light operates approximately 12 hours per day, has an estimated annual consumption calculated as follows:

100 watts x 12 hours x 365 days = 438,000 watt-hours or 438 kWh per year.

If conditions are such as to cause reasonable doubt concerning the connected load, recording equipment will be installed to determine the kW connected load.


N-7 Electric Vehicle Charging Rate Schedule

These rates apply to the charging of electric vehicles at NB Power’s eCharge Network. NB Power’s eCharge Network includes both authorized third party charging stations and NB Power owned charging stations.

DC Fast Charge
$20.00 per hour This rate is based on the time that a vehicle is plugged into a 100 kW charger
$15.00 per hour This rate is based on the time that a vehicle is plugged into a 50 kW charger
Level 2 Charge
$1.50 per hour or
$3.00 per session
The rate for the Level 2 Charge is selected by the owner of the charging station. While NB Power offers a per hour rate of $1.50, authorized third parties may offer either a rate of $1.50 per hour or $3.00 per session. At all charging stations where the hourly rate is offered, it is pro-rated based on the time that a vehicle is plugged in and there is no maximum charge.


N-8 Miscellaneous Rate Schedules

Railway Flashing Signals

$117.94 Base Rate
+ $2.85 Variance Account Charge
$120.79 Total Charge

per year (billed monthly)

Railway Safety Gates

$469.86 Base Rate
+ $ 11.37 Variance Account Charge
$481.23 Total Charge

per year (billed monthly)

Air Raid and Fire Sirens (unmetered)

$5.05 Base Rate
+ $0.12 Variance Account Charge
$5.17 Total Charge

per month per HP of nameplate rating

Outdoor Christmas Lighting

5.16¢ Base Rate
+ 0.12¢ Variance Account Charge
5.28¢ Total Charge

per watt of connected load per week

The minimum charge is for a period of one (1) week.


N-9 Short Term Unmetered Rate Schedule

That category of Customers in all areas served by NB Power requiring single-phase and three-phase installations and connected for no longer than one (1) month. The installation will not be metered.

Connection Charge: Single- Phase Three-Phase
A. Connection to existing secondary voltage $110.27 $110.27
B. Where transformer installations are required, the  following connection charges will apply:
(1) to and including 10 kVA $160.80 $225.99
(2) 11 kVA to 15 kVA $260.13 $325.16
(3) 16 kVA to 25 kVA $290.82 $363.68
(4) 26 kVA to 37 kVA $325.16 $363.68
(5) 38 kVA to 50 kVA $363.68 $363.68
(6) 51 kVA to 75 kVA $399.26 $566.08
(7) 76 kVA to 125 kVA $465.72 $600.24
(8) Above 125 kVA  -- $642.77

Energy Charge:
16.96¢ per kWh of estimated consumption (16.56¢ Base Rate +0.40¢ Variance Account Charge).

Short Term Unmetered Rate Application Guidelines

Available to serve such events as carnivals, bazaars, and unmetered installations.

Connected for no longer than one (1) month.

When the service exceeds one month, the installation will be billed and the remaining time considered as a new installation.

When meters are involved, and not disconnected, a reading will be taken and the kilowatt hours noted for record purposes only. 

When poles or additional equipment other than the transformer installation are required, the installation and removal charges will be estimated and collected before work commences. Customers who have a credit history, acceptable to NB Power, will be billed directly by NB Power.


Estimating Consumption

Electricity consumption is estimated by multiplying the connected load in kW (or kVA times 0.9), times the hours of usage. For example, a carnival with a connected load of 25 kVA operates 12 hours per day for 10 days has an estimated consumption calculated as follows:

25 kVA x 0.9 power factor x 12 hours x 10 days = 2,700 kWh.

If conditions are such as to cause reasonable doubt concerning the connected load, recording equipment will be installed to determine the kVA connected load.


N-10 Rental Facility Rate Schedules

Water Heaters

This rate applies to Customers renting water heaters from NB Power.

Single Phase   Rate per month ($)
22 gallons (100 L) $ 8.99
40 gallons (180 L) $ 8.99
60 gallons (270 L) $11.49
100 gallons (455 L)  $21.99
*50 gallons (228 L) “Stainless Steel”  $ 8.99
Three Phase   Rate per month ($)
100 gallons (455L) "Commercial" 208V  $32.99
100 gallons (455 L) "Commercial" 600V  $41.49

Plus Harmonized Sales Tax as applicable.
*This charge is applicable to existing water heaters only.


Area Lighting

This rate applies to Customers renting area lighting from NB Power for a minimum of 12 consecutive

Light Emitting Diode (LED) Base Rate
Variance Account Charge
Total Charge
100 Watt HPS Equivalent $17.49 +0.06 $17.55 
200 Watt HPS Equivalent $27.49 +0.12 $27.61
Light Emitting Diode (LED)
100 Watt HPS Equivalent
Base Rate ($/month) $17.49
Variance Account Charge ($/month) +0.06
Total Charge ($/month) $17.55
200 Watt HPS Equivalent
Base Rate ($/month) $27.49
Variance Account Charge ($/month) +0.12
Total Charge ($/month) $27.61


Other Luminaires Base Rate
Variance Account Charge
Total Charge
100 Watt high pressure sodium $18.49 +0.17 $18.66
200 Watt high pressure sodium $28.99 +0.32 $29.31
* 175 Watt mercury vapour  $18.49 +0.27 $18.76
* 400 Watt mercury vapour $32.99 +0.61 $33.60
Other Luminaires
100 Watt high pressure sodium
Base Rate ($/month) $18.49
Variance Account Charge($/month) +0.17
Total Charge ($/month) $18.66
200 Watt high pressure sodium
Base Rate ($/month) $28.99
Variance Account Charge ($/month) +0.32
Total Charge ($/month) $29.31
* 175 Watt mercury vapour 
Base Rate ($/month) $18.49
Variance Account Charge ($/month) +0.27
Total Charge ($/month) $18.76
* 400 Watt mercury vapour
Base Rate ($/month) $32.99
Variance Account Charge ($/month) +0.61
Total Charge ($/month) $33.60


LED Flood Lights Base Rate
Variance Account Charge
Total Charge
250 Watt Metal Halide Equivalent $33.99 +0.11 $34.10
400 Watt Metal Halide Equivalent $41.99 +0.17 $42.16
1000 Watt Metal Halide Equivalent $72.49 +0.34 $72.83
LED Flood Lights
250 Watt Metal Halide Equivalent
Base Rate ($/month) $33.99
Variance Account Charge ($/month) +0.11
Total Charge ($/month) $34.10
400 Watt Metal Halide Equivalent
Base Rate ($/month) $41.99
Variance Account Charge ($/month) +0.17
Total Charge ($/month) $42.16
1000 Watt Metal Halide Equivalent
Base Rate ($/month) $72.49
Variance Account Charge ($/month) +0.34
Total Charge ($/month) $72.83


Poles: Rate per month ($)
Wood Pole $5.49
Concrete Pole $10.03
*Steel Pole (concrete foundation) $25.75

*These charges are applicable to existing fixtures only.



NB Power rents SureConnect to residential and General Services customers if they meet the following criteria:

  1. An existing customer of NB Power with an account in good standing
  2. Have an electrical breaker panel
  3. An electrical entrance of 200 AMPS or less
  4. Meter is accessible
  5. Own a generator that is compatible
  6. Not a tenant of an apartment building
  7. Not a seasonal customer
Pricing $25.99 per month, plus HST
Billing NB Power bills SureConnect rentals on a customer’s monthly electric bill.
The Customer agrees to receive the SureConnect Service rental service (“the Service”) for a minimum of 12 consecutive months at the applicable monthly service fee. After the initial 12-month period, this agreement shall automatically renew on a month-to-month basis unless terminated by either party upon at least 30 days’ notice.
Should the Customer discontinue electric service or the Service prior to the completion of the initial 12-month term of this agreement, all unpaid charges for the initial 12-month period shall immediately become due and payable.
Installation and Removal For installation or removal to occur, two crews are required – a qualified, licensed NB Power electrical contractor and a lineperson (CSR). In accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act Reg 91-191, the meter base is de-energized, and the meter is pulled from it’s meter base.  A neutral wire is run and connected from the electrical panel to the transfer switch.  The transfer switch is then secured to the meter base, and the meter to the transfer switch. Once installation is complete, the meter base is re-energized.
Loads within the customer’s home deemed a priority are marked on their panel with stickers.  The customer is trained on what order to close/open what breakers, how to safely connect, disconnect their generator from their SureConnect, along with how to safely refuel their generator. The average install is approximately two (2) hours, with majority of the time dedicated to customer training.
Maintenance No charge maintenance is provided to all SureConnect customers.  Maintenance includes, but not limited to, providing additional training, troubleshooting, new cord and in the unlikely event of a defective SureConnect, the device is replaced.
Terms and Conditions Detailed terms and conditions are provided to and signed by the customer in duplicate, one copy for the customer and one for NB Power


N-11 Street Lighting

That category of Customers renting street lighting from NB Power.

Light Emitting Diode (LED) Base Rate
Variance Account Charge
Total Charge
100 Watt HPS Equivalent $193.70 +0.79 $194.49
150 Watt HPS Equivalent $276.75 +1.59 $278.34
200 Watt HPS Equivalent $331.71 +2.37 $334.08
400 Watt HPS Equivalent $443.65 +3.16 $446.81
Light Emitting Diode (LED)
100 Watt HPS Equivalent
Base Rate ($/year) $193.70
Variance Account Charge($/year) +0.79
Total Charge ($/year) $194.49
150 Watt HPS Equivalent
Base Rate ($/year) $276.75
Variance Account Charge ($/year) +1.59
Total Charge ($/year) $278.34
200 Watt HPS Equivalent
Base Rate ($/year) $331.71
Variance Account Charge ($/year) +2.37
Total Charge ($/year)  $334.08
400 Watt HPS Equivalent
Base Rate ($/year) $443.65
Variance Account Charge ($/year) +3.16
Total Charge ($/year)  $446.81



That category of Customers renting poles from NB Power

**Rate per pole / per year
Wood pole $ 65.88
Concrete pole $120.36
*Steel pole (direct burial) $120.36
*Steel pole (concrete foundation) $308.95
*Aluminum pole (concrete foundation) $308.95

* These charges are applicable to existing poles only.
** Rate calculated by multiplying the monthly rate by 12. This results in small variances due to rounding.


N-12 Customer Facility Rate Schedule

Customer Owned Street and Area Lighting

That category of Customers owning street and area lighting.

Light Emitting
Diode (LED)
Base Rate
Variance Account Charge
Total Charge
Range (Watts)
1-25 Watts $ 16.62 +0.40 $ 17.02
26-50 Watts $ 33.25 +0.80 $ 34.05
51-75 Watts $ 49.85 +1.20 $ 51.05
76-100 Watts $ 66.47 +1.61 $ 68.08
101-125 Watts $ 83.10 +2.01 $ 85.11
126-150 Watts $ 99.72 +2.41 $ 102.13
151-175 Watts $116.33 +2.81 $ 119.14
176-200 Watts $132.95 +3.21 $ 136.16
201-225 Watts $149.58 +3.61 $ 153.19
226-250 Watts $166.20 +4.02 $ 170.22
251-275 Watts $182.81 +4.42 $ 187.23
276-300 Watts $199.42 +4.82 $ 204.24
301-325 Watts $216.05 +5.22 $ 221.27
326-350 Watts $232.67 + 5.62 $ 238.29
351-375 Watts $249.29 +6.02 $ 255.31
376-400 Watts $265.90 +6.42 $ 272.32
401-425 Watts $282.52 +6.83 $ 289.35
426-450 Watts $299.15 +7.23 $ 306.38
451-475 Watts $315.76 +7.63 $ 323.39
476-500 Watts $332.28 + 8.03 $ 340.41
Light Emitting Diode (LED)
Range (Watts) 1-25 Watts
Base Rate ($/year) $ 16.62
Variance Account Charge ($/year) +0.40
Total Charge ($/year) $ 17.02
Range (Watts) 26-50 Watts
Base Rate ($/year) $ 33.28
Variance Account Charge ($/year) +0.80
Total Charge ($/year) $ 34.05
Range (Watts) 51-75 Watts
Base Rate ($/year) $ 49.85
Variance Account Charge ($/year) +1.20
Total Charge ($/year) $ 51.05
Range (Watts) 76-100 Watts
Base Rate ($/year) $ 66.47
Variance Account Charge ($/year) +1.61
Total Charge ($/year) $ 68.08
Range (Watts) 101-125 Watts
Base Rate ($/year) $ 83.10
Variance Account Charge ($/year) +2.01
Total Charge ($/year) $ 85.11
Range (Watts) 126-150 Watts
Base Rate ($/year) $ 99.72
Variance Account Charge ($/year) +2.41
Total Charge ($/year) $ 102.13
Range (Watts) 151-175 Watts
Base Rate ($/year) $116.33
Variance Account Charge ($/year) +2.81
Total Charge ($/year) $ 119.14
Range (Watts) 176-200 Watts
Base Rate ($/year) $132.95
Variance Account Charge ($/year) +3.21
Total Charge ($/year) $ 136.16
Range (Watts) 201-225 Watts
Base Rate ($/year) $149.58
Variance Account Charge ($/year) +3.61
Total Charge ($/year) $ 153.19
Range (Watts) 226-250 Watts
Base Rate ($/year) $166.20
Variance Account Charge ($/year) +4.02
Total Charge ($/year) $ 170.22
Range (Watts) 251-275 Watts
Base Rate ($/year) $182.81
Variance Account Charge ($/year) +4.42
Total Charge ($/year) $ 187.23
Range (Watts) 276-300 Watts
Base Rate ($/year) $199.42
Variance Account Charge ($/year) +4.82
Total Charge ($/year) $ 204.24
Range (Watts) 301-325 Watts
Base Rate ($/year) $216.05
Variance Account Charge ($/year) +5.22
Total Charge ($/year) $ 221.27
Range (Watts) 326-350 Watts
Base Rate ($/year) $232.67
Variance Account Charge ($/year) + 5.62
Total Charge ($/year) $ 238.29
Range (Watts) 351-375 Watts
Base Rate ($/year) $249.29
Variance Account Charge ($/year) +6.02
Total Charge ($/year) $ 255.31
Range (Watts) 376-400 Watts
Base Rate ($/year) $265.90
Variance Account Charge ($/year) +6.42
Total Charge ($/year) $ 272.32
Range (Watts) 401-425 Watts
Base Rate ($/year) $282.52
Variance Account Charge ($/year) +6.83
Total Charge ($/year) $ 289.35
Range (Watts) 426-450 Watts
Base Rate ($/year) $299.15
Variance Account Charge ($/year) +7.23
Total Charge ($/year) $ 306.38
Range (Watts) 451-475 Watts
Base Rate ($/year) $315.76
Variance Account Charge ($/year) +7.63
Total Charge ($/year) $ 323.39
Range (Watts) 476-500 Watts
Base Rate ($/year) $332.38
Variance Account Charge ($/year) + 8.03
Total Charge ($/year) $ 340.41


Lamp Wattage Base Rate
Variance Account Charge
Total Charge
100 Watt $   67.13 +1.61 $   68.74
200 Watt $ 135.17 +3.21 $ 138.38
300 Watt $ 202.29 +4.82 $ 207.11
500 Watt $ 324.30 +8.03 $ 332.33
Mercury Vapor
100 Watt   $   81.20  +2.09 $ 83.29
125 Watt $   99.92  +2.49 $ 102.41
175 Watt $ 135.17  +3.29 $ 138.46
250 Watt $ 186.60  +4.74 $ 191.34
400 Watt $ 295.41  +7.29 $ 302.70
700 Watt $ 503.19  +12.53 $ 515.72
1000 Watt $ 714.42  +17.34 $ 731.76
Low Pressure Sodium
90 Watt   $   76.98  +1.61 $   78.59
135 Watt $ 109.82  +2.81 $ 112.63
180 Watt $ 137.95  +4.74 $ 142.69
High Pressure Sodium
70 Watt $   66.41 +1.53 $ 67.94
100 Watt  $   87.88  +2.09 $ 89.97
150 Watt $ 118.43  +3.02 $ 121.45
200 Watt $ 162.87  +3.85 $ 166.72
250 Watt $ 187.77  +4.74 $ 192.51
400 Watt $ 295.42  +7.34 $ 302.76
1000 Watt $ 709.25  +17.34 $ 726.59
Lamp Wattage 100 Watt
Base Rate ($/year) $ 67.13
Variance Account Charge ($/year) +1.61
Total Charge ($/year)  $ 68.74
Lamp Wattage 200 Watt
Base Rate ($/year) $ 135.17
Variance Account Charge ($/year) +3.21
Total Charge ($/year)  $ 138.38
Lamp Wattage 300 Watt
Base Rate ($/year) $ 202.29
Variance Account Charge ($/year) +4.82
Total Charge ($/year)  $ 207.11
Lamp Wattage 500 Watt
Base Rate ($/year) $ 324.30
Variance Account Charge ($/year) +8.03
Total Charge ($/year)  $ 332.33
Mercury Vapor
Lamp Wattage 100 Watt
Base Rate ($/year) $ 81.20
Variance Account Charge ($/year) +2.09
Total Charge ($/year)  $ 83.29
Lamp Wattage 125 Watt
Base Rate ($/year) $  99.92
Variance Account Charge ($/year) +2.49
Total Charge ($/year)  $ 102.41
Lamp Wattage 175 Watt
Base Rate ($/year) $ 135.17
Variance Account Charge ($/year) +3.29
Total Charge ($/year)  $ 138.46
Lamp Wattage 250 Watt
Base Rate ($/year) $ 186.60
Variance Account Charge ($/year) +4.74
Total Charge ($/year)  $ 191.34
Lamp Wattage 400 Watt
Base Rate ($/year) $ 295.41
Variance Account Charge ($/year) +7.29
Total Charge ($/year)  $ 302.70
Lamp Wattage 700 Watt
Base Rate ($/year) $ 503.19
Variance Account Charge ($/year) +12.53
Total Charge ($/year)  $ 515.72
Lamp Wattage 1000 Watt
Base Rate ($/year) $ 714.42
Variance Account Charge ($/year) +17.34
Total Charge ($/year)  $ 731.76
Low Pressure Sodium
Lamp Wattage 90 Watt
Base Rate ($/year) $  76.98
Variance Account Charge ($/year) +1.61
Total Charge ($/year)  $  78.59
Lamp Wattage 135 Watt
Base Rate ($/year) $ 109.82
Variance Account Charge ($/year) +2.81
Total Charge ($/year)  $ 112.63
Lamp Wattage 180 Watt
Base Rate ($/year) $ 137.95
Variance Account Charge ($/year) +4.74
Total Charge ($/year)  $ 142.69
High Pressure Sodium
Lamp Wattage 70 Watt
Base Rate ($/year) $ 66.41
Variance Account Charge ($/year) +1.53
Total Charge ($/year)  $ 67.94
Lamp Wattage 100 Watt
Base Rate ($/year) $ 87.88
Variance Account Charge ($/year) +2.09
Total Charge ($/year)  $ 89.97
Lamp Wattage 150 Watt
Base Rate ($/year) $ 118.43
Variance Account Charge ($/year) +3.02
Total Charge ($/year)  $ 121.45
Lamp Wattage 200 Watt
Base Rate ($/year) $ 162.87
Variance Account Charge ($/year) +3.85
Total Charge ($/year)  $ 166.72
Lamp Wattage 250 Watt
Base Rate ($/year) $ 187.77
Variance Account Charge ($/year) +4.74
Total Charge ($/year)  $ 192.51
Lamp Wattage 400 Watt
Base Rate ($/year) $ 295.42
Variance Account Charge ($/year) +7.34
Total Charge ($/year)  $ 302.76
Lamp Wattage 1000 Watt
Base Rate ($/year) $ 709.25
Variance Account Charge ($/year) +17.34
Total Charge ($/year)  $ 726.59


The above charges apply to photo-controlled lights operating from dusk to dawn. The energy charges for lights operating from dusk to 1:30 a.m. and controlled by a time switch shall be 50% of the above rates.


Customer Owned Outdoor Recreational Lighting

That category of Customer owning metered outdoor lighting which operates only during the period April through November.

Account Charge
Service Charge $27.56     per Billing Period
Energy Charge 15.86¢ +0.37¢ 16.23¢ per kWh for first 5000 kWh per Billing Period
  11.24¢ +0.37¢ 11.61¢ per kWh for balance kWh
per Billing Period
Service Charge
per Billing Period
Base Rate $27.56
Variance Account Charge
Total Charge  
Energy Charge
per kWh for first 5000 kWh per Billing Period
Base Rate 15.86¢
Variance Account Charge +0.37¢
Total Charge 16.23¢
Energy Charge
per kWh for balance kWh per Billing Period
Base Rate 11.24¢
Variance Account Charge +0.37¢
Total Charge 11.61¢


The above rate is available to Customers with outdoor recreation lighting. Examples of Customers on this rate include: baseball parks, soccer fields, tennis courts. Customers who have non-lighting requirements on the same service, e.g. water heaters, can also qualify for this rate if the connected non-lighting load is less than 20 kilowatts.

Customers on this rate who use electricity, other than for standby load and control equipment heating, during December through March will be assessed demand charges for each month, including the preceding April through November, in which electricity is used. The demand charges will be assessed at the General Service I Rate. Failure to pay demand charges will result in the Customer being placed on the General Service I Rate.


N-13 Customer Self-Supply Resource Balancing Schedule

Wind Balancing Service

A Customer supplied by a wind power generation facility having a capacity in excess of 100 kW, in lieu of supply by NB Power, will be charged for Wind Balancing Service. The rate per kWh of gross generation supplied from such facilities will be charged for all kWh of generation supplied per month.

Customer shall ensure that a separate meter is installed to measure that generation and provide monthly production values to NB Power in confidence for billing purposes.

For each wind power generation facility with at least 5 MVA generating capacity, Customer shall also ensure the provision of near real-time telemetered wind speed, wind direction, temperature, generation availability, and generation production in confidence for operational and forecasting purposes.

The rate is 0.227 ¢ per kWh.

The Customer must either purchase this service from NB Power or make alternative, comparable arrangements to satisfy its wind balancing obligation or any part thereof.


N-14 Authorization

The changes in the rates, tolls and charges contained in Sections N and O of this manual, dated April 1, 2024 are made under the authority of the New Brunswick Electricity Act effective October 1, 2013.


