NB Power has been upgrading to smart meters, which have a greater capacity for measuring demand. To learn more about smart meters visit our smart meter section.
The meter used to measure your consumption and demand is a high-precision device.
To ensure the accuracy of the reading, NB Power has a Quality Assurance program for electricity meters that is designed to the ISO 9002 specification and is audited regularly by both NB Power and Measurement Canada.
This Quality Assurance program, combine with NB Power’s periodic testing of in-service meters provide a high level of confidence that your electric meter will be both accurate and reliable.
There are two types of meters used by NB Power:
- KWh energy only meters – energy only meters are used by all residential and general service rate class customer where the maximum monthly demand is below 20 KW.
- KWh energy, KW and KVA demand meters – these meters are used by general service customer where the maximum monthly demand exceeds 20 KW and by all small industrial customer with single phase service and 120/208 volts (200 amps-3 phase), 347/400 volts (200 amps-3 phase) and 12 KV service.
The above types of meters are mechanical, hybrid or electronic meters. All new demand meters purchased by NB Power are electronic meters. Note that Mass Memory Interval meters (meters which record and store the energy used by time) with pulse output are also available.
KWh energy only meters

KWh energy, KW and KVA demand meters