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I. Extension of Facilities - Underground

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Extensions - Underground


Extensions - Underground

Optional Facilities

Underground extensions to NB Power's existing facilities are considered optional.

This policy covers optional facilities for metered Customers for underground extensions. Front lot overhead and other optional facilities are covered in Section H - Extension of Facilities - Overhead and in Section J - Optional Facilities.

Customer Facilities

Underground Service Loops are Customer Facilities.

Conditions for Underground Extensions

NB Power makes underground extensions of its facilities to serve Applicants/Customers provided the following terms and conditions are met:

  • The location to be served must be within a territory where NB Power provides service. 
  • The Applicant/Customer and the anticipated usage meet the requirements of all applicable portions of
    these policies.
  • The location to be served must be accessible by on-road vehicles. 
  • Rights-of-Way on Public Roads as Designated by the New Brunswick Department of Transportation:
    • Will be obtained and cleared at no cost to the Applicant/Customer. The Applicant/Customer is not responsible for maintenance.

All other Rights-of-Way:

The Applicant/Customer is responsible for supplying and clearing as well as any costs incurred by NB Power in acquiring easements. 

If tree and brush clearing is performed by NB Power, the Customer is charged. These charges are non refundable. The Customer is not responsible for maintenance.

  • NB Power requires an agreement relating to contributions in compliance with these policies.
  • All facilities will be constructed in accordance with NB Power's Standard Construction Practices manual, applicable CSA Standards and municipal bylaws and regulations, and will be owned, operated and maintained by NB Power.
  • If NB Power requires space for transformers, switches or other facilities of any kind in order to provide service to the Customer, the Customer will furnish free of charge adequate space for and acceptable access to this equipment. The Customer is restricted from placing permanent structures within this place. NB Power determines the location of any padmounted equipment.
  • The Customer is responsible for digging, sanding and backfilling of trenches and all other civil work, including necessary conduits and concrete pads for padmounted equipment, and all other non-electrical infrastructure as required by NB Power's Standard Construction Practices manual, applicable CSA Standards and municipal bylaws and regulations.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, NB Power reserves the right to refuse an underground extension to its facilities for reasons of safety, environmental conditions or sound engineering practice

Underground Service Loop

Customers will supply, install, own and maintain their Underground Service Loop. A sufficient length of wire must be provided at the base of NB Power's supply device (e.g., padmounted transformer, pole) to allow connection to NB Power Facilities.

Optional Underground Facilities Charge

The optional underground facilities charge recovers the difference in construction costs between what NB Power normally supplies and what the Customer requests and is provided. All charges related to optional underground facilities are non-refundable.

The optional underground facilities charge equals the total cost of the facilities less the NB Power investment for the equivalent standard overhead facilities.

The NB Power investment is equal to the total estimated cost of the equivalent standard overhead facilities less any customer contribution towards those facilities.

The optional facility charge includes the incremental cost of padmounted transformation, if required. An exception is when NB Power approves a transformer rated at 500 kVA or greater.

Installation Design, Material and Inspection

NB Power provides the electrical design, standard electrical installation material (primary and secondary conductor, connectors, transformation and associated protective equipment), and inspection and supervision services required to meet NB Power's Standard Construction Practices manual, applicable CSA Standards, and municipal bylaws and regulations.

When complex conduit systems are specified in the design, customers must have the installation designed by qualified designers and approved by NB Power. The customer must provide as built drawings upon completion of the work and prior to service connection. The customer is responsible for the cost of the design work. 

NB Power assumes ownership and responsibility for customer provided equipment that meets NB Power's Standard Construction Practices manual, applicable CSA Standards, and municipal bylaws and regulations, after one year from the date of installation, excluding service loops and street lighting systems.

Payment of Customer Contribution

Applicants are expected to pay the full amount of the contribution in advance. Acceptable forms of payment include certified cheque, bank draft or cash. The exception is municipal, provincial or federal government departments which provide letters of intent. 

